Electric Muscle Stimulation

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 6 Sessions - Glutes or Abdomen

From $999 to $599

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Electric Muscle Simulation

At Bella Derma, we are committed to helping you look and feel your best from head to toe. While we may be more well known for our aesthetic services like skin tightening in Orlando and Boca Raton, we also want to take the time to introduce you to electric muscle stimulation

Simply put, electric muscle stimulation trains your muscles in a way that traditional workouts alone cannot. Electric muscle stimulation. sends electronic pulses to your motor nerves in order to create muscle contractions.

When electric muscle stimulation is added to your training, it helps maximize your muscular effort by engaging a greater percentage of muscle fibers. Electric muscle stimulation targets both Type 1 slow twitch muscle fibers, which impact endurance, and Type 2 fast twitch muscle fibers, which promote power and explosiveness. 

This stimulation creates muscle contractions that can be quick and frequent, fast with long pauses, or contractions that are held for several seconds or minutes at a time.

About our

Electric Muscle Stimulation Device

At Bella Derma, we use a powerful device that helps build muscle and thoroughly sculpts your body. With this cutting-edge machine, you can enjoy more muscle definitions and a lower body fat percentage with minimal effort on your part!


In short, electric muscle stimulation harnesses the power of high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to generate thousands of muscle contractions per session. These contractions are what simulate exercise and help you shed inches. With repeated contractions, we’ve also found that more blood flow is directed to the target muscles, which can help promote a speedier recovery. 


With our powerful device, you will meet your body goals in no time! Since it mimics exercise, electric muscle stimulation is especially useful for those that can't safely work out due to an injury, illness, or disability. Regardless of your needs, this non-invasive body-sculpting method will give you the results you desire in a safe, effective, and essentially effortless way.

Your first time

For many clients, electric muscle stimulation may sound scary. This is why we want to help you understand what you can expect from this treatment. First, we want to assure you that we’ll talk you through every step of the procedure. No question will ever be overlooked. We will do everything to ensure that you have all the information to decide whether electric muscle stimulationis right for you. Of course, if you’re uncertain or you’re looking for a professional opinion about which procedure to get, we’re always happy to guide you.

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A detailed medical history will be required before your procedure to help our experts adjust as needed. Beyond this, electric muscle stimulation can be worked into any schedule with ease.


Small electrodes will be placed on your body around the area you want to treat. You will likely feel the same sensation of an intense workout but beyond this, electric muscle stimulation will be quick and painless.


Expect the same sensation of an intense workout after 24 to 28 hours after the treatment. You may notice some redness and irritation where the electrodes were placed, but you should be able to resume regular activities right after getting an electric muscle stimulation .

Popular Questions

Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • Are There Any Side Effects Associated With EMS?

    As with any treatment, there are always some side effects to be aware of. In particular, with EMS, anyone with a heart condition is likely not a good candidate. This is especially true if you use a pacemaker.

    In addition, we don’t recommend EMS for expectant mothers. Other than that, EMS is a non-invasive procedure that is safe for most healthy people. 

    The EMS sessions offered by Bella Derma are 30 minutes long. We recommend doing EMS between 1 and 3 times a week that target your full body.

    If you’re interested in EMS, we will discuss in detail whether you’re a good candidate. We offer prices that are way below competition with wonderful results.

  • What Are the Benefits of EMS?

    Many clients want to try EMS with us to tone their bodies. Unlike body-contouring techniques that only focus on fat loss, EMS offers a variety of other benefits. 

    At Bella Derna Beauty Center, get the most efficient body toning services and its benefits with EMS. Whether you're looking to improve your figure or not, most of us can experience significant health benefits with EMS. 

    Try EMS with us and experience these wonderful benefits for yourself!

  • Can EMS Replace Exercise?

    EMS delivers the same benefits to your muscles as resistance training. In fact, EMS workouts are typically much shorter than traditional workouts and are significantly more efficient. EMS can stimulate more muscle fibers to contract than typical workouts can, meaning you are getting much more out of an EMS session than a gym session. 

    By electrically stimulating your muscles in a targeted, safe and efficient manner, you'll be able to see and feel your body toning sooner than other training methods. That said, however, it is recommended that you continue to do traditional cardio workouts such as walking, swimming, or cycling for your heart health. 

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